Friday 10 October 2008

50g muesli with skim milk - 3.5

2 slices Danish toast - 1.5
baked beans - 2

Afternoon snack
vegetable soup - 0
2 freshly baked jam cakes - 3
apple - 0.5

WW traditional roast pork - 4
butternut mash, cauliflower - 0
peas - 0.5
gravy - 1

Evening snack
apple - 0.5
2 slices Danish toast - 1.5
2 tsp butter - 2
strawberry jam - 0.5

WATER: 4 glasses
FRUIT & VEG: 6 portions (YAY me!)
MOVEMENT: walked to school and back three times; long walk around town

Fairly stable. I only baked because we had 5 open jars of jam in the fridge and I didn't want them to go to waste. The kids have enjoyed the jam cakes (if they hadn't I would haev sent them into work with Grant). This evening I was SO snacky - not even particularly hungry, but my mouth was totally craving something. Eating an apple didn't help so I settled on toast and jam and it did the trick. Have been feeling v tired; going to bed a bit early.

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