Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Tonight was weigh-in night at WW. I was quite excited to go and see how I'd done this week. I've been feeling SO fed-up and miserable and felt like a decent loss at WW would be the little boost I needed to keep going with point counting as I've found it hard this week.

Well, I only lost a pound and you would have sworn I'd gained it by how I felt. So fed-up! I really was. I guess for two reasons: 1) each time I've started WW (twice before) I had a really good loss the first week (4lb and 3.5lb respectively) and 2) when I was on WW the first six months (until I stopped) I lost an average of 2lb a week.

I have been so disciplined this last week, even though I found it quite hard and tedious, so to "only" have lost a pound really got me down.

But, WHAT?! Get over it! That's like a whole brick of margarine that I've shed from my body. I've lost one-sixth of the weight I had gained since February. I'm one pound closer to where I want to be, which isn't even that far away. I need to get over myself and keep on trucking, I know. It's just hard when it's been a crappy day mood-wise and I was so counting on a boost this evening, rather than keeping the bigger picture in focus.

Grant says that he can already see that I've lost weight. I know little things like what I've eaten or drunk during the day can affect the weigh-in, as can where I am in my cycle (retaining water, as evidenced by my sore boobs!) and I really need to take back the power that I've given to that stupid number on the scale.

So - official WW weight: 9st11.5lb (137.5lb)


50g muesli with skim milk - 3.5

pasta - 2
roasted veg sauce - 0.5

Afternoon snack
chocolate - 0.5
cereal bar - 2

pasta bake - 7

Evening snack
50g muesli with skim milk - 3.5

WATER: 2 glasses (bad!)
FRUIT & VEG: 2 portions
MOVEMENT: does napping count?

So miserable and moody today. Ugh.

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